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Software for Source Code Download and Editing Updated FREE

Software for Source Code Download and Editing

12 Best Free Open Source Code Editor Software For Windows

Here is a list of best free open up source lawmaking editor software for Windows. These open up source software are similar to any standard software which lets you write and edit codes. However, different non-open up source software, yous can access and edit the source lawmaking of these software.

Using these code editor software, you can write and edit codes of various different programming languages like C, C#, Java, HTML, PHP, etc. There are too some software which are good for specific languages like HTML, PHP, etc., but not as good for other coding languages. Even so, y'all will be able to edit codes of various languages in most of these software.

To help programmers in coding, these software provide features like highlighted syntax, brackets identification, debugger, lawmaking navigation, etc. Besides these important code editing features, yous can also observe many additional features in these software, such equally split screen, find and supplant, markers, comments, etc. In some software, you as well get advanced auto-complete and macro recording features to speed up the coding process. To add together codes in these software, y'all tin use code files like .cpp, .html, .xml, .java, .txt, etc. Y'all tin can also direct paste the code in these editors and start the editing process. After editing, you lot can relieve the code in the original file in about software. In general, all of these are simple and easy to use open source code editing software that anyone can apply without much hassle. Go through the list to observe your favorite software.

My Favorite Open Source Code Editor Software For Windows:

Visual Studio Code is my favorite software because information technology can be used to write and edit codes of virtually all types of programming languages. Plus, information technology offers all the important code editing features which you can expect from a good code editor.

Notepad++ is another skilful free open source code editor which is quite popular amidst coders.

You can likewise check out lists of best costless Code Comparing, Codec Identification, and QR Code Generator software for Windows.

Visual Code Code

Visual Studio Code is a free lightweight open source code editor software for Windows. This software comes with the native support for TypeScript, JavaScript, and Node.js. Plus, it as well provides support for extensions of other popular languages like C, C++, C#, Java, etc. Information technology is suitable to write fresh codes equally well as for editing of existing codes. In it, y'all can quickly add codes by directly pasting a slice of code or by loading a code files like .cpp, .java, .html, etc.

The interface of this software is coding oriented that provides important features like Search, Explore, Debug, etc. Another of import characteristic of this software is its ability to highlight all the tags, functions, brackets, etc., when one similar tag, part, etc., gets selected by the user.

Highlights of this open source lawmaking editor:

  • Code Navigation: It allows you to chop-chop switch betwixt multiple lawmaking files which you frequently utilize by providing various hotkeys similar Alt+Left, Alt+Correct, etc.
  • Editor Layout: Using it, you can open code in split-screen style and perform editing in ii split screens.
  • Debug Console: This born debugging mode helps you lot speed up the entire editing, compiling, and debugging process.
  • Multi-Root Workspace: It allows you to work on multiple projects at a time as you tin quickly switch between multiple projects using the projection roots from the side panel.

Apart from these main features, you lot can detect a lot more features in this open source lawmaking editor. Once the editing gets completed, press the relieve button to save the code in the native code file.

Concluding Thoughts:

It is a feature-rich open up source code editor software that provides all the necessary tools to write and edit codes. Plus, I also like the design and functionality of its interface.


Notepad++ is popular gratuitous open up source code editor software for Windows. It is a lightweight and very fast lawmaking editing software as information technology is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL to ensure the faster execution fourth dimension. In this software, y'all tin easily write and edit programmes of various different languages similar Java, C, C++, C#, Python, etc. It is suitable for all languages because it provides highlighted text and colored syntax functionalities for all types of codes. Another advantage of this software is its multi-tab interface that allows yous to work on multiple languages at a fourth dimension.

By default, this software automatically detects the linguistic communication which yous are using for the code and adjust accordingly. However, if you desire to manually define the language in which you are writing, then use the Linguistic communication card of this software. In this software, you can also add paths of different code compilers by using its Run menu. After adding the path of a code compiler, you tin can straight compile code from this software by pressing the F5 key. Afterward editing the code, yous can salvage information technology in the native file or in files of other formats like HTML, TXT, RTF, etc.

Boosted Features:

  • Macro Recording: It allows you to record coding steps or deportment that you tin can play after so that you don't have to write recurring steps.
  • Fold and Collapse: It is a very handy feature that allows y'all to collapse an entire function or node that y'all tin easily expand whenever you want.
  • Find and Supersede: Using it, you lot can easily discover and replace a piece of code with some other code.

Concluding Thoughts:

Information technology is one of the all-time free open source software to write and edit codes as information technology provides support for most all types of coding languages. Plus, it provides various handy features which enhance the overall code writing experience.


Atom is another complimentary open source code editor software for Windows. This software comes with a coding oriented interface in which you tin easily write and edit codes of different programming languages. To assistance y'all write the code, it provides features like detection of brackets, marked functions, highlighted text, line number, etc. Some other handy feature of this software is its multi-tab interface that allows you lot to work on multiple projects at a fourth dimension. In information technology, y'all can directly import .html, .cpp, .java, and other files to this software to import codes.


  • Version Control with Github: In this software, y'all can also track changes made by other contributors on your lawmaking nowadays on the Github. At any time, you lot can view different versions of your code and revert dorsum the changes if you desire.
  • Interact in existent time: For real-time collaboration, this software provides the Teletype application. This application perfectly integrates with this software and allows other users to edit the same projection which y'all are working on.
  • Install Packages: In this software, you can install additional packages to enhance the functionalities of this software.

Final Thoughts:

It is another very capable open source code editor that provides various avant-garde and useful features. However, it does not use different colors to highlight different parts of the lawmaking, unlike some other software.


Brackets is notwithstanding another free open source lawmaking editor software for Windows. It is a adept software to write and edit web designing codes based on HTML, PHP, JavaScript, etc. In this software, you cannot only write web designing codes, but yous can also live preview webpage or website that y'all have congenital in it. To testify you the preview, it uses the Apache HTTP server service to start the local server that it installs during the program installation. This software also converts the plain simple lawmaking into a colored highlighted text. The main advantage of the highlighted code is that you can easily identify unlike entities of code similar role, brackets, comments, etc.

In this software, you can direct open up and edit code files like TEXT, HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, etc. After editing, y'all tin can salve all the changes in the original lawmaking file.

Additional Features:

  • Separate: In this software, you tin can easily split up the code into two horizontal or vertical windows.
  • No Distraction: It is a style that hides all the features, tools, etc. form its interface to provide a distraction-free surround for lawmaking editing.
  • Navigate: Information technology is a carte du jour in which y'all get handy navigation features similar jump to definition, quick find, next document, previous documents, etc.
  • Debug: It provides developer tools, shows performance data, and lets you run tests.

Final Thoughts:

It another actually adept open source lawmaking editor, especially for web designing. Plus, its beautifully designed and clean interface too helps a lot.


jEdit is one more complimentary open source code editor software for Windows. Information technology is a programmers text editor in which you tin can write and edit codes of various unlike languages like C#, C, Coffee, PHP, Python, etc. In it, you tin too load code files of Text, RTF, HTML, and other formats. In this software, you get a multi-tab interface that allows you lot to quickly move from 1 project file to another for multi-project piece of work. Plus, it besides lets you split the screen for adjacent code editing. This software does not accept some code editing features similar highlighted text, colour syntax, etc. Still, information technology is quite a adept code editor software. After editing, you can save all the changes by pressing the Relieve button.

Additional Features:

  • Word Counter: It shows y'all total number of words used in your lawmaking.
  • Replace and find: Information technology lets you quickly replace a piece of lawmaking with another code.
  • Hypersearch: It lets you extract the distinct lines from the code.
  • Markers: Markers are added at the end of lawmaking lines which points to another line related to the current one.

Final Thoughts:

Information technology is one of the most bones types of open source code editor that provides standard features with a simple and clutter-free surroundings.


CudaText is nevertheless another complimentary open up source code editor software for Windows. Information technology is primarily a text editor software that you can also apply to write and edit codes of dissimilar languages. In it, you lot get syntax highlight support for coding languages like CSS, C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, Python, and more than. In it, you too get a lawmaking tree characteristic that automatically shifts the code towards the right when you motility from ane function to some other. Lawmaking Folding is its another handy feature that lets you collapse or aggrandize an unabridged function or node. Like many other like software, information technology also comes with a multi-tab interface that allows yous to piece of work on multiple projects simultaneously.

Other Important Features:

  • Multi Option: This feature allows you lot to select all the instances of a tag or function.
  • Split View: Using it, you tin split code into two or more than horizontal or vertical sections.
  • Binary/Hex Viewer: It comes in handy to view a code file of a very large size.
  • Smart Motorcar-Completion: This characteristic is bachelor for HTML and CSS codes that allows you to write code much faster.

Final Thoughts:

It is another very skillful open source code editor that you can use to write and edit codes of a diverseness of languages. Plus, information technology can also come in handy for web developments as information technology provides additional features for HTML and CSS.

Light Table

Light Table is another gratis open source lawmaking editor software for Windows. This software comes with a beautifully designed interface that shows but essential elements on its interface. This software supports near of the programming languages like Python, C, C#, Java, etc. However, to add support for more than languages, you lot can download and add together plugins to this software using its Plugin manager.

To help you with coding, it provides colored bracket functionality that helps you quickly identify where a subclass is started and concluded. To improve productivity, it allows y'all to add together an entire project binder in this software. Plus, it too provides a multi-tab interface to work on multiple projects at a fourth dimension. This software also offers hotkeys to execute commands similar search docs, set up current syntax, save all, unwrap parent, etc. After editing, press the salvage button to save the changes in the original file.

Final Thoughts:

Information technology is a uncomplicated and beautifully designed code editor that provides a distraction-free environment forth with diverse essential code editing features.


gedit is another one of free open source code editor software for Windows. Primarily, it is used for text editing, but its syntax highlighting features forC, C++, Coffee, HTML, XML, Python, Perl, and other languages make information technology suitable for code editing besides. Plus, many of its text editings features likewise come up in handy for lawmaking editing such as Line numbers, Become to Specific Line, Auto-Indentation, etc. For code editing, it besides provides a Subclass Matching feature that automatically highlights both the open up and airtight brackets when 1 of them is selected by the user. One more than important feature of this software is its multi-tab interface using which you lot tin can work on multiple projects simultaneously.

Additional Features:

  • Highlight Fashion: It is a tool that allows you to highlight elements of the code written in unlike languages.
  • Find and Supersede: Using it, you can quickly discover and supervene upon a code with another slice of code.
  • Document Statistics: Using information technology, you can view important statistics about the current file like number of lines, number of words, characters with spaces, characters without spaces, etc.
  • Highlight Misspelled Words: Information technology is a text editing specific tool that highlights text which is misspelled.

Final Thoughts:

Information technology is a simple and clean open source code editor in which you tin can easily write and edit codes. Information technology is not a full-fledged code editor, just it nevertheless provides many important features which are necessary for code editing.


Bluefish is another free open source code editor software for Windows. This software is peculiarly designed for programmers and spider web developers to write and edit codes of diverse different languages. In this software, you can find all the of import code editing features like highlight text, line number, car indent, rescan syntax, etc. However, during my testing, this software is non able to identify the correct programming language and hence, it is unable to highlight the syntax. To rectify this problem, yous need to manually specify the coding linguistic communication to this software by going to Documents > Language Mode.

Additional Features:

  • Word Count: It is a tool that shows you lot the full number of words present in a lawmaking file.
  • Find and Supplant: It is used to find and supervene upon ane set of code with some other one.
  • Dissever Lines: Information technology adds a gap betwixt lines to improve readability.


It is a unproblematic and effective open source lawmaking editor that anyone can apply without much hassle.


BlueGriffon is yet another free open source code editor software for Windows. This software is primarily an HTML editor which is used in spider web development. Using it, you tin can apace develop impressive webpages with pictures, as it is based on What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) approach. In it, you can utilize some simple HTML tags and text to create a website instead of writing the entire HTML code.

This software also provides a Source section on its interface in which you tin write and edit codes of HTML, PHP, C#, Java, and other languages. It is quite good at identifying the codes as it immediately highlights all the main functions in green color. Autonomously from that, information technology also provides line numbers which is another useful code editing feature. In it, y'all don't go much lawmaking editing features, only it tin yet exist used to edit codes.


It is quite practiced for the editing of web evolution languages like HTML, PHP, etc. However, for other languages, it is not an ideal lawmaking editing software.

Komodo IDE

Komodo IDE is one more gratuitous open source lawmaking editor software for Windows. It is a very skillful code editing software for almost all types of programming languages similar PHP, Java, C#, C, DotNet, etc. It provides a powerful lawmaking editor that provides handy code editing features like syntax highlighting, code refactoring, autocomplete, etc. Information technology also comes with an inbuilt debugger in which you can inspect your lawmaking and as well test it for possible errors. This software too provides features for multi-projection navigation and for workflow management. For multi-projection navigation, you can likewise use its multi-tab interface that allows you lot to quickly motion from one project to another. Subsequently editing, y'all will be able to save all the changes in the native code file.

Boosted Features:

  • Live Previewing: In example of HTML language, yous can preview the output webpage within this software.
  • Macro Recording: It allows you to tape some steps that you tin apply afterward without rewriting it.
  • Add-ons Back up: In that location are many add-ons available for this software which yous tin can install to this software to farther enhance the feature set of this software.

Final Thoughts:

Information technology is a really adept lawmaking editor for all types of languages as it provides all essential code editing features. Nevertheless, lack of markings in many of its tools make it slightly difficult to use peculiarly for novice users.


KompoZer is some other gratuitous open source code editor software for Windows. It is specially designed to write and edit codes of HTML and PHP languages. It is based onWYSIWYG or what you come across what you get approach. This software is also used to blueprint static and dynamic web pages. Simply unlike other software, you don't need to write the whole code to generate a webpage, instead, you can apply some tags and text to generate a webpage. Plus, webpage pattern specific tools like Insert (to insert image, video, audio, table, etc.), Anchor, Text Font Menu, Formatting Tools, etc., are available in it.

In this software, you also get a Text Editor and CSS Editor to edit or write text and CSS code. After writing the lawmaking, you tin can use the Carve up department to view the consummate HTML source code. If you want to edit the webpage in a conventional way, and so you tin employ its Source department that allows y'all to edit the base HTML code of a webpage.

Additional Features:

  • Publish: Using it, you can publish created HTML webpages to a website.
  • Find and Replace: To quickly find and supercede a part of the code.
  • Insert: To insert HTML tags, PHP code, and Comments to the code.

Final Thoughts:

It is a actually good HTML and PHP code editor, only it is not platonic software to edit or write codes of other popular languages similar C, C#, Coffee, etc.

Software for Source Code Download and Editing



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